3 Things every contractor must master to reach success!
In reality,
There are just three skills that every successful trade business owner must master...
And guess what?
They have NOTHING to do with twisting wires, laying pipe or painting walls…
The skills required to take your business to the next level have nothing to do with the skills that got you to where you currently are.
When you started a business you gave up the right to be just an electrician, plumber, carpenter, landscaper, painter, or whatever your trade is.
The moment you started a business, whether you know it or not, you took on a new role.
And your new role requires that you master three skills...
2. SALES, and
Without leads, you have no one to sell to.
Without sales, you have no cash to operate.
Without leadership, you have no idea where you're going and neither do your people.
Now, recently Warren (Director & Coach here at Trade Business Success) actually sat down and spoke about this topic with Jaime from 'ProImage Electrical' and Rob Brus from 'Go All In' after being invited as a guest on their ‘Electricians Co Op’ Podcast...

If you're interested in checking out that clip,
You can click here.
If you're an electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter, or any other trade business owner who is looking to take your business to the next level, click here to learn more about how our team can help!