So You Want Your Contracting Business To Be The Best, huh?

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  • So You Want Your Contracting Business To Be The Best, huh?

When it comes to marketing…

Most contractors get it wrong.

And they aren’t honest with themselves from the get-go…

And what I mean by this is simple.

Looking at the top 1 percent…

The very best in your market…

If you were to put them up against your business…

Purely from a front-end, first impression, marketing point of view…

Who would you hire?

Is it you?

Because if not, you’ve got some work to do…

This concept may seem simple, but it’s everything.

You need to start taking note of the other (insert your trade here) in the country who are absolutely smashing it when it comes to branding and marketing…

What are they doing?

What are they saying?

What does their content look like?

What are their offers?

What are their points of difference?

What do they do well or not do well?

What points of proof and credibility do they showcase?

Start comparing yourself to the best in the market, until you’re the best.

Most contractors simply watch those winning around them in awe, and never do anything about it.

They settle for what they have…

Instead of focusing on what they themselves can build.

Get honest with your marketing…

Evaluate it from an unbiased perspective…

And get truthful about whether or not it’s showcasing your business in the light that it needs to be in order to dominate your local area.

Because this competitive analysis and truthful evaluation allows you to pin point the wholes in your current marketing... 

And build a game plan to IMPROVE.


Don’t limit yourself and think small…

Aspire to be the best…

To watch and analyse the best…

And mind you… we don’t mean copy…

You don’t want to just copy others… you want to be influenced.

Influenced to grow your brand and strengthen your marketing.

Success leaves behind footprints…

Follow them.

If you're an electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter, or any other trade business owner who is looking to take your business to the next levelclick here to learn more about how our team can help!


Bayley Peachey | Accountant & Trade Business Coach

About the author

Growing up in a family full of tradesman and accountants with a business savvy father, my childhood involved heavy machinery, dirty overalls and years of hand’s on insight into the family business. Being fast paced and dynamic in...


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