Why Contractors Need To Market Like They Play Golf

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  • Why Contractors Need To Market Like They Play Golf

Marketing for contractors is a lot like playing golf.

In golf, your drive is supposed to get you close to the hole so that you only have a short putt from there.

Similarly, the job of marketing in your trade business is to educate and prepare your prospects, so they are 80% of the way to making a buying decision.

This way, there is far less pressure on your sales process to get them the remaining 20% of the way.

And think about that for a moment...

What kind of explosive results do you think you could achieve with your contracting business and your income if closing sales became 10x easier?

You see, when you’re standing in the tee box, you want the biggest and baddest driver to get your ball as far from you and as close to the hole as possible.

And if you fall short through the drive, your game becomes a whole lot harder.

Just like if your online and offline marketing isn’t compelling, powerful, and making a strong impact…

Then you’ll spend the day in the woods fighting to get the sale back on track without ever understanding how you got there.

If marketing is doing its job, sales is just a formality.

Golden rule:

Focus 80% of your efforts on improving your marketing, and 20% of your efforts in upskilling in sales.

Because no matter where you're at in your business journey or what kind of results you're achieving, every contractor is able to take their marketing to another level entirely - no excuses.

If you're an electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter, or any other trade business owner who is looking to take their business to the next levelclick here to learn more about how our team can help!


Bayley Peachey | Accountant & Trade Business Coach

About the author

Growing up in a family full of tradesman and accountants with a business savvy father, my childhood involved heavy machinery, dirty overalls and years of hand’s on insight into the family business. Being fast paced and dynamic in...


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