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The mindset by which you approach the sale will determine its outcome more than ANY OTHER element of the selling process.

Friendly, smiley, enthusiastic, positive, confident, self-assured, likeable, and prepared beyond nervous.

It’s got to be in your head way before it’s in your wallet.

Ever walk into a sales call or meeting thinking to yourself, “This is not a great appointment. The sale is probably not going to happen. And even though I’m kind of wasting my time – what the heck, I’ll give it a shot”.

What about the opposite, walking in, thinking to yourself, “This is a great prospect. They need my stuff, they love my stuff, and they love me. The sale is in the bag”.

Whichever way you walked into the call/meeting, YOU set the tone for the probable outcome.

You also set the tone for your attitude, your enthusiasm, and putting your belief system into motion.

No one makes every sale – if you do, you’re too cheap!

But this doesn’t mean that you should EVER walk into a sale with anything less than a feeling of certainty that you will make the sale because the customer needs you, and that you are the best. Not the lowest price, but the highest value.

Thinking you will, and letting your thoughts guide your success on a DAILY basis, will help you become proficient.

You are responsible for your own success (or failure).

Winning in sales is no exception.

Here are 10 recurring mindset characteristics and traits of successful salespeople:

ONE - You need to be hungry: Every good salesperson is driven. They have a strong work ethic and a high energy level. When the economy is poor, they are still out there pounding the pavement.

If you want more sales, you have to have a real drive to win more work.

TWO - You need to be positive: Sales can be tough, and not winning a job can take a real strike on your ego and feelings, but you have to remember, it’s not personal! People are in it for themselves. So, stay positive, have fun and be energetic & enthusiastic.

You will succeed far greater at something you’re positive about.

THREE - You need to be an opportunity seeker: Successful trade business owners are always ready, and always looking, for sales opportunities. Whether it’s out on site or working in a home, there are opportunities everywhere if you’re switched on and actively looking for them.

Opportunities for you, as the seller, to provide more value for your customer. This is your aim. You must do all you can to provide the greatest value for your customer.

FOUR - You need to stop being a pushover: Too often, contractors aren’t respected and have their time wasted by prospects, only to run around and have nothing to show for it. You’re the expert, they called you, they have a problem to fix or a dream to build, and you’re the person to do it. So, don’t be a push over – respect yourself and your service!

FIVE - You need to stop projecting your money troubles onto your prospect: Do not be shy or uncomfortable talking about money. Don’t project your money troubles or what you believe about money onto your prospects/clients.

If you’re working up a bid and it’s $5,000, and you think that’s a lot of money, you tend to go “omg that’s a lot of money, they’re never going to buy it” and you get all this head trash around the price. You have no idea about their situation or how they view money.

Your job is just to figure out whether or not you’re a good fit for them, giving them a proposal and communicating to them what it’s going to take to do the job right.

SIX - You need to stop hoping: For many business owners (especially those just starting out), hope is their strategy for winning work. This is a terrible mistake. You can’t just sit around, and hope customers will call you after you submit a quote. You need to be proactive in managing your sales pipeline.

SEVEN - You can’t compromise your integrity: The best way to turn a sale into a relationship is to deliver as promised. Failure to do what you say you’re going to do, either for your company or your customer, is a disaster from which you may never recover. If you do it often, the word gets out about you.

Along the same line, telling the truth is the best policy. In business, especially in today’s environment, it’s a must. When customers trust salespeople, they buy from them. Be genuine, courteous and most importantly, honest. There will be days when things don’t go as planned. Instead of denying the problem, be honest with your customers about the bad news. And don’t get defensive or sensitive if you get called out on something that was your fault!

EIGHT - NEVER put down the competition: If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing. This can be a tempting rule to break. Don’t be tempted.

  • Never say anything bad about them – even if the prospect does
  • Praise them as worthy competition
  • Show them respect
  • Show how you differ – how your benefits are better
  • Stress your strengths, not their weaknesses
  • Maintain your ethics and professionalism at all times – even if it means biting your tongue.

NINE - You need to always put your best foot forward: You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Are you neat and well groomed? Underdressed or overdressed? Have you done everything in your power to ensure a good first impression? Is your vehicle clean? Tools organised? Did you show up on time? With the right gear? Remember the clients name?

TEN - You need to take ownership: If they turn you down because of ‘price’, whose fault is that? If they don’t return your phone call, whose fault is that? If they decided to buy from the competition, whose fault is that? Yours!

Blame is easy to issue and spread, but difficult (sometimes impossible) to accept. Every time something goes wrong or does not go your way in the selling process, the first thing you do is talk about why it’s someone else’s fault.

They wouldn’t return your phone call, they wouldn’t make an appointment with you, they took a lower bid, they selected your competitor after they told you they were going to select you, someone else didn’t do their job properly, you’ll even blame your car, or traffic, or the weather if you’re late for an appointment.

These small blaming incidents create a pattern in your communication process that’s not only negative; it’s destructive. Self-destructive. Instead of blaming, try thinking about what you could have done about the thing or person you’re blaming. Could you have prevented it? Can you prevent it next time? What could you have done or said differently that might have created a different outcome?

Try implementing some of these concepts - and watch your sales grow!

If you're an electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter, or any other trade business owner who is looking for assistance with salesclick here to learn more about how our team can help!


Bayley Peachey | Accountant & Trade Business Coach

About the author

Growing up in a family full of tradesman and accountants with a business savvy father, my childhood involved heavy machinery, dirty overalls and years of hand’s on insight into the family business. Being fast paced and dynamic in...

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